1、 _____Mr. Bingham’s promotion became official, many of his colleagues have approached him to congratulate him.
A. Despite
B. Still
C. Since
D. During
2、 John Clarke, who is in the prime of his career, has been ranked _____ the top 10 players in tennis history by Sports Daily.
A. at
B. into
C. among
D. from
3、 Due to the heavy damage the storm has caused in some rural areas, it is predicted that the cost of fruits and vegetables will be _____ this summer.
A. increase
B. increases
C. to increase
D. increasing
4、 All of our stores will be extending their business hours during the holiday season, but we will go back to our _____ hours after the new year.
A. regular
B. regulars
C. regularity
D. regularities
5、 Sarah Ewing received rave _____ for her outstanding performance in her portrayal of a single mother raising two children in the ghetto in the 70s in the new blockbuster movie Single Mom.
A. inspections
B. articles
C. reviews
D. surveys
2、【答案】C。解析:约翰克拉克正处在他职业生涯的鼎盛时期,被《体育日报》评为网球史上的十佳运动员。本题考查介词。谓语has been ranked后用the top 10 players in tennis history限制了具体范围,因此C最为恰当。
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