
● A project management technique that is currently in widespread use is the  (71) . Thepurpose of this technique is to detail, in hierarchical fashion, all of the activities that are requiredto meet project objectives. There are some special activities called  (72) , which are eventsthat signify the accomplishment or completion of major deliverables during the project. Mostsystem development methodologies also provide  (73) , whose purpose is to contain thevarious pieces of relevant information – feasibility assessments, schedules, needs analysis, andso forth – in a single place so that they can be presented to project clients and other relatedparties. Several types of important network diagrams are used in project management.  (74)was developed to make clear the interdependence between project tasks before those tasks arescheduled.  (75)  offers the advantage of clearly showing overlapping tasks.


A.Functional decomposition diagram

B.Work Breakdown Structure

C.Structure Chart

D.Organizational Structure




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