A.look great
B.revealtheir privacy
D.enjoya lower
开始考试点击查看答案A.Stayingaway from some negative people.
B.Tryingto change negative thoughts.
C.Controllingour own negative thoughts.
D.Focusingon positive things.
开始考试点击查看答案A.3、A.Negativepeople can be hurt easily.
B.Negative people make us happy.
C.Negativepeople need care.
D.Negative people are hard to get along with.
开始考试点击查看答案A.2 mean、A.Quiteexcited.
B.Easily annoyed.
C.Very lonely.
D.Highly optimistic.
开始考试点击查看答案A.You mayget the right kind of books.
B.You maybuy the book you want as quickly as possible.
C.You mayknow more reliable booksellers.
D.You maypay for the book at a low pric
开始考试点击查看答案A.PaulKingsnorth helps readers develop an awareness of time and space.
B.PaulKingsnorth starts to have doubts about his ability as a writer.
C.PaulKingsnorth’s family live comfortably in a rural house.
D.PaulKingsnorth couldn’t afford a tiny rural hous
开始考试点击查看答案A.He thinksit a perfect idea to live alone in nature.
B.He earnsmoney somewhere else to make ends meet.
C.His latestbook is about the attraction of wilder places.
D.Living inthe countryside landscape results in his depression.
开始考试点击查看答案A.To informreaders of a famous French writer.
B.To praisehim for his marvelous writing skills.
C.To explainhow to live in the peaceful countryside.
D.To emphasize more writers experience similar problems.
开始考试点击查看答案A.Show them your personality.
B.Make sure you are reliable to yourpartner.
C.Make sure you are an honest personwith them.
D.Laughter keeps the relationshipstrong and lasting.
E.Don’t neglect them and make themfeel unwanted.
G.Basically, learn to study yourpartner’s moods, wants and needs.
H.A.Show them your personality.B.Make sure you are reliable to yourpartner.C.Make sure you are an honest personwith them.D.Laughter keeps the relationshipstrong and lasting.E.Don’t neglect them and make themfeel unwanted.F.Basically, learn to study yourpartner’s moods, wants and needs.G.If they did something that made youunhappy to tell them about it in a proper manner.
开始考试点击查看答案A.Show them your personality.
B.Make sure you are reliable to yourpartner.
C.Make sure you are an honest personwith them.
D.Laughter keeps the relationshipstrong and lasting.
E.Don’t neglect them and make themfeel unwanted.
G.Basically, learn to study yourpartner’s moods, wants and needs.
H.A.Show them your personality.B.Make sure you are reliable to yourpartner.C.Make sure you are an honest personwith them.D.Laughter keeps the relationshipstrong and lasting.E.Don’t neglect them and make themfeel unwanted.F.Basically, learn to study yourpartner’s moods, wants and needs.G.If they did something that made youunhappy to tell them about it in a proper manner.
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