推荐等级:A.Construct the Utils object, and hold the object in a member variable
B.Construct the Utils object, and set the LifeTiraeService. LeaseTime to 0
C.In the client application, create an Implementation of the ISponsor interface. Implement the Renewal method to extend the lease
D.In the client application, create an Implementation of the ILease interfac
E.Implement the CurrentLeaseTime property to return Int32.MaxValue
开始考试练习点击查看答案A.Use the Component Services Tool to export Tracker to an .msi file. Provide to the administrator the .msi file with instructions to run the installer
B.Provide to the administrator the Fabrikam.dll file. Instruct the administrator to copy Fabrikam.dll to all production computers and to install it in the global assembly cache
C.Provide to the administrator the Fabrikam.dll file. Instruct the administrator to use the . NET Services Installation Tool(Regsvcs.exe) to install Tracker
D.Add a new merge module to your solution. Add Fabrikam.dll to the merge modul
E.Provide to the administrator the .msi filewith installation instructions.
开始考试练习点击查看答案A.To the StockQuote class, add the following attribute:
B.To the StockQuote class, add the following attribute: 〈Transaction(TransactionOption.Required)>
C.Implement the ISecurityCallContext COM interface in the StockQuote class. Implement the IsCallerlnRole method for the Customers and Managers roles
D.To the StockQuote class, add the following attributes:
E.To the beginning of the GetQuote method, add the following code segment:If Not ContextUtil.IsCallerlnRole("Managers,Customers")_Then Throw New SecurityException("Access is denies.”)End If
开始考试练习点击查看答案A.ReportData uses COM+role- bases security to restrict component access to members of the COM+ Agents role. The COM+ Agents role is configured to include the FieldAgents group.You call SubmitSurveillance. However, when the call to ReportData is attempted, an exception is thrown indicating that access is denied. You need to correct this problem.What should you do?A.In IIS, enable Anonymous access
B.In the
C.In the〈system.web> section of the Web.config file, add the following line of code:〈identity impersonate^"false"/〉
D.In the
A.Create a Windowsldenti ty object and a Windows Principal Object. Then implement declarative role-based security
B.Create a Windowsldenti ty object and a Windows Principal object. Then implement imperative role-based security
C.Create a Gene riel dentity object and a GenericPrincipal object. Then implement declarative role-based security
D.Create a Genericldentity object and a GenericPrincipal object. Then implement imperative role-based security
开始考试练习点击查看答案A.Use a byte array
B.Use the methods of the Marshal class
C.Use the methods of the MemoryStream class
D.Derive a new class from the Stream class, and override the allocation methods
开始考试练习点击查看答案A.〈assembly: SecurityRole("Assembly", true)>
D.〈assembly:AppiicationAccessControl(AccessChecksLevel = AccessChecksLevelOption.ApplicationComponent)>
开始考试练习点击查看答案A.Dim myldentity As IIdentity = New GenericIdentity("Generic”, "Custom")Dim Roles As String() = {"Shipping"}Dim myPrincipal = New GenericPrincipal(myldentity, Roles)ir.yldentity = Windowsldentity. Get Current
B.Dim myldentity As Genericldentity = New_Genericldentity("Generic", "Custom")Dim Roles As String () = {"Shipping"}Dim myPrincipal = New GenericPrincipal(myldentity,_ Roles) Thread.CurrentPrincipal = myPrincipal
C.Dim myldentity As Ildentity = New_Genericldentity("Generic", "Shipping")Dim myPrincipal As 工Principal = New_WindowsPrincipal(myldentity)Threa
D.CurrentPrincipal = myPrincipalD.Dim myGenericIdentity As Ildentity = New_Genericldentity(”Generic", "Custom")Dim myldentity As Windowsldentity = myGenericIdentity Dim Roles As String() = {"Shipping"}Dim myPrincipal = New GenericPrincipal(myldentity,_Roles)Windowsldentity.Impersonate(myldentity.Token)
开始考试练习点击查看答案A.To the Itemlnventory class, add the following attribute:
B.To all methods of the Itemlnventory class, add the following attribute:
C.Modify the Transaction attribute of the Itemlnventory class to be the following attribute:
D.Modify the Transaction attribute of the Itemlnventory class to be the following attribute:〈Transaction(TransactionOption.Required, __IsolationLevel:» TransactionlsolationLevel.ReadOncoromitted)>
开始考试练习点击查看答案A.Assign a strong name to the assembly. Compile the assembly. Run the .NET Services Installation tool (Regsvcs.exe) to add the component to Component Services
B.Run the Type Library Exporter (Tlbexp.exe) to export the definition for the assembly
C.Assign a strong name for the assembly. Compile the assembly. Run the Global Assembly Cache tool (Gacutil.exe) to add the component to the global assembly cache
D.Use the Assembly Registration tool(Regasm.exe) to create entries in the registry that describe the assembly
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