开始考试练习点击查看答案A.educating students
B.altering bad habits
C.avoiding undesired action
D.forming good hobbies
开始考试练习点击查看答案A.Parents introduce spinach in small bites or mixed with a food that the child enjoys over time so that the child will not refuse to eat it.
B.Teachers introduce academic content in short blocks of time for young children and gradually increase session length but not to where students become frustrated or bored.
C.Paper with wider lines is first used and then paper with narrow lines is introduced step by step to help children learn printing and handwriting.
D.A child might be made to throw toys until it is no longer fun by his parents in order to change his behavior of repeatedly throwing toys.
开始考试练习点击查看答案A.The threshold method.
B.The fatigue method.
C.The incompatible response metho
D.D.The punishment method.
开始考试练习点击查看答案A.The incompatible response method is to force child to make unwanted response repeatedly in presence of stimulus until he or she becomes exhausted
B.The threshold method refers to introducing undesired behavior with a response incompatible with the undesired response so they cannot be performed simultaneously
C.The fatigue method means that engaging in the behavior is transformed into avoiding it by introducing the stimulus at full strength so it becomes a cue for not performing it
D.The fatigue method is that in presence of stimulus teachers have child make response incompatible with unwanted response
开始考试练习点击查看答案A.Culture Is Very Important in Advertising
B.Avoid Cultural Misunderstanding between Nations
C.Overcome Cultural Shock in Different Countries
D.Advertisements Reflect Various Life Styles
开始考试练习点击查看答案A.Cultural shocks
B.Faulty translations
C.Avoid cultural oversights
D.Prevent blunders
开始考试练习点击查看答案A.an animal used in perfume for its smell
B.a piece of fabric used both in perfume and at funerals
C.a flower used in perfume for its fragrance and used for funerals
D.an omament used in perfume and at funerals
开始考试练习点击查看答案A.fire the translators who don’t know the target language
B.use the technique called "literal translation" to reduce the possibility of blunders
C.avoid cuhuml oversights and avoid certain jokes
D.explain in details when designing advertisement for other countries
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