推荐等级:A.Immediate surgery should be made in all suspected acute perforation cases.
B.Pyloric obstruction must be surgically managed.
C.Surgical management is needed in case two courses of medical treatment fails.
D.C.Surgical management is needed in case two courses of medical treatment fails.D.The patient has a long history,frequent episodes,serious symptoms,ineffective medical management, and inability of normal work and living.
E.None of the above.
开始考试练习点击查看答案A.Duodenal bulb
B.Front wal lof duodenal bulb
C.Back wall of duodenal bulb
D.Back of duodenal bulb
E.Juxtapyloric duodenum
开始考试练习点击查看答案A.esophagogastroscopy,cytology of gastric juice,and barium meal X-ray
B.esophagogastroscopy,acid measure of gastric juice,and barium meal X-ray
C.esophagogastroscopy,occult blood test of feces,and barium meal X-ray
D.cytology of gastric juice,occult blood test of feces,and esophagogastroscopy
E.cytology of gastric juice,tetracycline fluorescence test,and barium meal X-ray
开始考试练习点击查看答案A.conservative treatment including gastrointestinal depression etc,
B.simple repair of perforation,
C.wedge resection of gastric ulcer,
D.major gastric resection,
E.repair of perforation,and vasotomy.
开始考试练习点击查看答案A.Morphologically,the bacteria is a gram-positive,tennis-racket-shaped organism
B.Diagnosis can be made by serologic testing of urea breath tests
C.Diagnosis is most routinely achieved via culturing endoscopic scrapings
D.The most effective way to treat and prevent recurrence of this patient’s gastri-
E.tis is through the use of single drug therapy aimed at eradicating H. pylori E. The organism is easily eradicated
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