1 (一) Rewrite Your Destiny How many of us blame “destiny (命运)” when we’re going through tough stages of life、 We hear people say, it’s bad luck. But is it really so irrever sible (不可逆的)、 Though a few __1__ of our life like birth, marriage or death are controlled by destiny, when it comes to hard times, we can c hange some things by our __2__ . Even when passing through the roughest period of our life, we can change it by hard work. No good deed goes without being __3__ and we do have the power of changing the fortunes. For example, if one has worked for 20 hours in a week, the __4__ will pay for 20 hours. __5__, if we’re walking on the path of positivity with great faith, we’ll be paid off. Even when nothing seems __6__, it’s better to keep trying to make something good happen rather than sitting still or crying. When __7__ from all sides in a dark cave, one is not supposed to break the rock straight away. One makes a small hole in rocks to let the __8__ and air come in to avoid suffocation(窒息). Then efforts are aimed at __9__ the rock. Human life is precious and powerful. This power is “will power”. However, this “will power” has to be coupled with hard work and confidence. And if you are doing so, no matter how __10__ the problem or the time is, it will have to change as the result of your deeds and you will rewrite your destiny . The secret lies in being energetic, never __11__ and always struggling. The secret lies not in being the loser but in being the __12__ of circ umstances. 当我们在人生中遇到困难的时候,我们常常抱怨自己命运不济,其实只要我们肯付出,我们的努力总会有回报的。
开始考试练习点击查看答案2 (二) Columnist Dave Barry says this about his father: “My dad would try anything carpentry (木匠活), electrical wiring, roofing and so on. From watching him, I learned a lesson that still __13__ to my life today: No matter how difficult a task may seem, if you’re not afraid to try it, you can do it.” I learned from my parents the value of “going for it”. “Nothing ventured, nothing lost” is the motto of too many of us. Many people are so afraid to __14__ that they never venture (冒险)beyond the familiar. “Better to be safe than sorry” has __15__ too many people in the cocoon (保护膜) of their __16__ zones . A delightful __17__ tells that Col. Robert Johnson of Salem, New Jersey, announced that he would take a public risk. He let the town know that he would __18__ a wolf peach on the steps of the county courthouse at noon on September 26, 1820.“Why would he take such a chance?” asked the __19__ people. Scientists and doctors had long declared the wolf peach to be __20__. If the wolf peach was too ripe and warmed by the sun, they told him he would be exposing himself to brain fever. Should he somehow __21__ the experience, the skin of the peach would stick to the lining of his stomach and eventually cause cancer. Nearly 2,000 people __22__ the square to see Col. Johnson eat the “poisonous” peach—now known as the tomato. Col. Johnson believed his risk was small, but it must be taken if the __23__ about the peach were to be removed. Who has accomplished anything worthwhile without taking a risk、 Much like the tortoise, it makes __24__ only when it sticks its neck out. “不去冒险,就不会有损失。”这是平庸者的借口,这是无为者的巧言。还是这句话说得好:乌龟只有把脖于伸出来,才能得以前进。