因,是一个会带你走过喜怒哀乐的旅程,是一个为自己画的蓝图 !只要能够让心中怀抱着梦
Whether to raise the salary should also
depends on the role teachers have played
in improving students’ academic
For example: Those teachers who help students make progress earn more
money as a matter of course.
Task 1
Which trait of you do your friends like the best? Kindness, cheerfulness,
1.I have good temper.
gto help
1.I have a positive mind.
2.I lift friends’ spirits when they
are feeling down. Intelligence
1.I have a quick mind.
2.I find a way out when people around me feel at sea.
Sample (From 网站)
I believe what my friends like the most about me is my kindness. First of
all, some of my friends say that my kindness kind of rubs off on them and
makes them better people. For instance, I volunteer at an orphanage out
of town every Saturday. At first, it was just me but then I started telling
some friends about it and they decided to come along. Now we have a
small group and we go to the orphanage every weekend together and my
friends all thank me for introducing this fulfilling volunteer work to them.
Plus, I am really kind to all my friends too. Once my best friend broke up
with her boyfriend and wanted to move out of her old apartment. I took
her in without hesitation. That’s why I think they love me for my
Task 2
Do you like to work with or without computers and other technology?
work with computers and other technology:
1Computers and other technology make one’s work easier.
A.One is comfortably able to access masses of
information helpful for one’s work.
B.Other technology like the multi-media
projector and remote conference call
facilitate communication at work.
Computers and other technology improve work efficiency.
EXCEL, among other computer software, is
impressive in data management.
Without the help of some applications in smart
phones like QQ and We chat, communication
among colleagues would be less convenient.
work without computers and other technology:
Too dependent on computers and other
technology, people lose certain abilities.
People today is never able to memorize phone
numbers because their phone does the job
Now face-to-face communication embarrasses
people because they are used to talking with
people in front of a screen.
Computers and other technology give rise to the privacy crisis.
Computers with poor protection can easily get hacked into.
The Internet lacks effective ways to keep personal information
from others.
Sample(From 网站)
I prefer working with computers for the following reasons. First of all,
computers make it possible for me to work from home. For instance, last
Tuesday I woke up late and it was raining outside so it was impossible to
get a cab. So I decided to work from home. I wrote an e-mail to my
supervisor explaining the situation. Then I had a conference call on Skype
with some of my colleagues to get my tasks of the day. Then I simply
finished my work simply sitting in my study and then uploaded
everything to the online system of my company. Plus computers can be
fun. Maybe it’s just me but there’s no way for me to work for hours in a
row. I need some rest from time to time. With a computer, I get to listen
to some light music or watch a funny video online when I decided to have
a break.
The student suggests that the university should ban bike-riding in the
central area of campus because the sidewalk there is narrow and it’s not
safe, and students who break the rule should pay a fine.
In the conversation the woman disagree with the student’sproposal.In the
first reason, she mentions that most of the students get off their bikes
anyway when they enter the central area. They don’t need a university
policy to remind them. As for the second reason, she points out that the
security department has much more important things to do than this. It’s
a complete waste of time.
Task 4
In the lecture, the professor talks about the advantages environment
scenting can bring to market sales and there are two examples for that.
The first example is that there was a kind of odor women find attractive
in women clothing store and another kind of odor that men like in men
clothing store, as a result, sales of both clothing store doubled.
In the other example, people were shopping for shoes in two rooms but
only one of these rooms has odor. It turns out that people in general
thought that the shoes in the room with odor to be higher quality and
more expensive.
Task 5
The problem is that the funding for school newspaper has been reduced
and the cost of paper has gone up. There are two possible solutions.
The first one is to cut some pages and the other solution is to make fewer
copies for students. If I were in their shoes, I would go for the second
solution because even if not everyone will have a copy of the newspaper,
students can still share. I’d say it’s even better since they can talk about
the news and current events together when they share the newspaper. I
personally don’t recommend the other solution because students might
miss some really interesting stuff if they cut some pages.
Task 6
In the lecture, the professor mainly talks about how social cooperation
affects animals. There are two examples for that.
In the first example, the professor talks about deer. Deer like feeding as a
group. This happens mainly because when a deer feeds alone, it needs to
be on constant watch for their predators. And because of that, its
communicate by dancing. A lot of information can be communicated that
way like the direction of the honey and the distance to it.
Listening Conversation 1
自己, 老师说不行。但是他可以和有好房间的人分享,几个人分享的话是可以的。
Conversation 2
对话女生找教授讨论论文,一个剧和 well made play 对比。讨论结果是 happy
Lecture 1
因有, 躲避捕食者,好像挺对的。但有些动物发光,有些动物下潜深度不够,还是能
Lecture 2
Lecture 3
坐下, 铺上餐巾吃早餐,这一系列动作都包含了习惯和后续动作的,还有学生可以边骑
车边考虑历 史课的演讲也是因为这个理由。后来说如何改变这种现象?首先要改变环 史课的演讲也是因为这个理由。后来说如何改变这种现象?首先要改变环
境,比如,教授可 以换一个路线开车去咖啡厅吃饭,后来又有一个实验,一堆转学的大
学生有一半在换了环境 以后丢了以前锻炼的习惯,那么问题来了,为什么有人没有丢掉
呢?因为他们有 intention 这 可以阻止习惯的改变。
Lecture 4
一系 列困难,首先制造氧气,月球大气中的氧气很稀少,但是土壤里有很多金属氧化
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