2015 年 9 月托福真题回忆及解析
能",坚持到最后,才能笑到最后,才能看到最佳的风景。以下是无忧考网整理的 2015 年
9 月托福部分真题,希望可以帮到你!2015 年 9 月托福共举行了五场考试,分别是 9 月 5
日、9 月 12 日、9 月 13 日、9 月 17 日、9 月 19 日
9 月 5 日托福写作范文
Independent Writing:
In order to attract more tourists, government should improve the safety
by hiring more police or improve the appearance by improving the old
buildings and streets.
Nowadays, for the economic development of a city, the government
place undue emphasis on how to boost its tourism industry. While some
experts show their enthusiasm on selling their cities to outside tourists by
publicizing good social security via recruiting more police, I hold a different
opinion. From my perspective, improving old buildings and streets is a better
Admittedly, hiring more police might be useful in attracting tourists.
When government is focusing on recruiting more policemen, these new
recruiters would be helpful in improving social security standards. Thanks to
the improved standards, more visitors might be relieved about the city when
paying a visit to the city; hence the the city reputation would be enhanced.
However, on balance, only focusing on police while not improving building
places of interest is not enough. Without places about culture or places for
parks, visitors still would not come even if social security is good. To attract
more visitors, a more effective way would be to improve olds buildings.
To begin with, improving old buildings helps preserve old cultures. In
other words, more visitors would love to visit places with cultural value so the
maintenance of old buildings is attractive to them. For example, when Beijing
government begins to repair the Great Wall, the symbol of diligence of
ancient Chinese people, the experts pay great attention on building the
wrecked walls and restoring some stone relics. Meanwhile, they reshape some
broken bricks for the steps so that visitors could step onto the Great Wall. As
a result, an increasing number of visitors from foreign countries come to
Beijing to watch the marvelous Great Wall building on top of piles of
mountains. On the contrary, if hiring more police, though government would
gain reputation for their good management in social security, it would not add
to any cultural attraction.
In addition, improving the streets makes it convenient for tourists. That's
is to say, tourists would love to visit places with convenient facilities.
According to a survey conducted on Sina Weibo, after polling hundreds of
tourists from the National Holiday, a significant percentage of them claim that
when deciding a place as their touring destination, they are more likely to
choose a city with broader streets. In their minds, when the city is built with
convenient streets and beautiful auxiliary facilities, this urban planning would
give tourists a sense of modernism and make them feel go into colorful
metropolitan life. With these perfect streets, public transport would be
convenient for them to visit both in city and around city.
To sum up, due to the reasons I lost above, I would regard that by
perfecting streets and maintaining old buildings, government would be more
likely to attract tourists to visit the city.
2015 年 9 月 5 日阅读机经
devoid of = lacking of
correspond: match
ongoing = continuing
a wealth of= a valuable amount of
allowing = resulting in
temporarily= briefly
考生回忆:本文讨论苏美尔文明。开始的时候那个地方(美索不达米亚平原)的 自然环境
不好,缺乏一些很重要的自然资源,也经常遭遇洪水泛滥,所以人口也 不多。但是此后
somehow 这个地方发展起来了,人口增多了,也出现了很多 新兴的职业比如说
scientists。随着城市的发展出现了贸易,主要参与贸易的是 一些原材料比如 copper 和
stone。由于城市发展需要管理,所以发明了 writing。 后来 writing 还出现了发展,有了
解析:本文以古代苏美尔文明的发展这个主题展开。是一篇按照时间顺序为线索 展开的文
章。本文无论从内容还是结构上都与 TP026 的 Sumer and the First Cities of the
Ancient Near
East 极度相似„ ETS 经常会在同一个话题或者题材 上面出几篇非常类似的文章,然后
每隔一段时间就放出来考一次。多练 TPO 的好 处是不言自明的。
考生回忆:有的鱼周围有磁场可以用来感应事物。科学家做了一个实验,把一种 瞎的鱼从
熟悉的环境放到不熟悉的环境里,发现尽管看不见,但是这些鱼还是能 找到一些 holes。
同时磁场还能根据物种的性別发生变化。比如在交配(mating ) 的时候 female 和 male
就明显不一样。还有就是可以识别个体。如果两条鱼的 速率(rate )很相似,那么它们就
会调整自己的速率让这个区别变得可识别的。 解析:本文是关于生物学的一篇文章。学生
在做题之前应该先熟悉与鱼类相关的 词汇。从结构上看,本文文章主旨明确,结构清晰。
从第二段开始,每段首句即 为 topic sentence 的可能性较高。大家在阅读文章之前可以
把握文章的 结构有帮助。
考 TPO 中,在内容和题材上类似的文章推荐阅读 0G 的 Swimming Machine,,
考生回忆:讲的在寒武纪(Cambrian )的物种大爆发(species explosion X 这个时
期的物种演化的速率和多样性都是別的时期所无法媲美的。科学家们提出 了几个可能性
的原因。 第一个原因是氧气。在寒武纪之前,氧气的含量很丨氏,无法支持大型的生物
生长。 但是寒武纪由于氧气量大大增加,所以也为大型生物的演化提供了条件。
第二个原因是在物种多样性爆发的初期,当时的捕猎者没有很高级的捕猎技术, 所以一
些猎物也能生存。而现在由于捕食者大大控制了猎物的数量,所以再也无 法达到寒武纪
第三个原因是在寒武纪之前有一个小冰河时期,使得大量的动物灭绝。之后气候 变好了 ,
解析:本文是一篇以"现象-因果分析〃为主要线索的文章。这种按照总分结构 展开的文
章在 TPO 中大量出现,通常都是一果多因,且每一个原因都会独立成段。 同学们在阅
读此类文章的时候,要注意分清每个段落中不同信息之间的相互关 系。通常段落主旨出
现在段首,而后面的内容都是对主旨的展开。从文章的内容 相关性方面,推荐阅读
tpo5 的 The Cambrian Explosion。
9 月 5 曰托福写作真题回忆:
Integrated Writing:
1 surplus energy theory:不能很好的 manage
1 小 seals 不能自己找食物。食物来源于妈妈
给 的,所以没有 surplus energy ,但是 seals
still play.
2 动物 play 是为了 hunt for food
2 —组小猫可以 play ,另一组不 play。长大之
后, 可以 play 的那一组并没有成为 better
3 动物 play 是为了 establish relationship in
3 rats 小时候 play ,但是是在比较大的时候才
建 立关系。所以,rats play 发生在 establish
relationships 之前。或者说,两者没有关
Independent Writing:
题 目 : In order to attract more tourists, government should improve the
safety by hiring more police or improve the appearance by improving the
old buildings and streets.
Nowadays, for the economic development of a city, the government place
undue emphasis on how to boost its tourism industry. While some experts
show their enthusiasm on selling their cities to outside tourists by
publicizing good social security via recruiting more police, I hold a different
opinion. From my perspective, improving old buildings and streets is a
better alternative.
Admittedly, hiring more police might be useful in attracting tourists. When
government is focusing on recruiting more policemen, these new recruiters
would be helpful in improving social security standards. Thanks to the
improved standards, more visitors might be relieved about the city when
paying a visit to the city; hence the the city reputation would be enhanced.
However, on balance, only focusing on police while not improving building
places of interest is not enough. Without places about culture or places for
amusement parks, visitors still would not come even if social security is
good. To attract more visitors, a more effective way would be to improve
olds buildings
To begin with, improving old buildings helps preserve old cultures. In other
words, more visitors would love to visit places with cultural value so the
maintenance of old buildings is attractive to them. For example, when Beijing
government begins to repair the Great Wall, the symbol of diligence of
ancient Chinese people, the experts pay great attention on building the
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