【关键词】 ALB液基细胞学试剂盒;TBS分类;宫颈上皮内瘤样病变(CIN);准确度
Analysis of cervical cytology detected by ALB liquid-based test: A study of 5000 cases
【Abstract】 Objective To analyze and evaluate the ALB liquid-based test in clinical diagnostic application.Methods Study the 5000 cases of the ALB liquid-based test results in period 2005.7.1~2006.10.31. Results In the results of the 5000 cases, 4139(82.78%) were NILM, L-SIL was 196(3.92%), H-SIL was 5(0.10%),Squamous cell carcinoma was 1(0.02%), ASC was 133(2.66%), AGCUS was 7(0.14%), And 519(10.38%) were HPV positive. HPV positive in CIN1 was 58.16% in L-SIL, but it's only 20% in H-SIL. The result of effect evaluation in the 100 of random samples, the excellent smears occupy 81% in ratio but excluding the 9 samples of dissatisfiacation smear the ratio increased to 90%. The histology inspection conformed 251 cases of ALB liquid-based cytology inspection demonstrate the diagnostic sensitivity, peculiarity and accuracy is 98.78%, 78.01% and 91.94%, respectively.Conclusion ALB liquid-based cytology test demonstrated significantly increased sensitivity and accuracy for detecting cervical lesions,according to the ALB fluid basal cell study and the histology inspection results contrast.
【Key words】 ALB liquid-based cytology kit;the bethesda system;cervical intraepithelial neoplasia;accuracy
国产ALB液基薄层细胞学试剂盒(ALB liquid-based cytology test)具有价廉、不需昂贵设备、各级医院均可推广的优势。为评价其在宫颈阴道细胞学筛检中的应用价值,特将我院2005年7月1日~2006年10月31日期间5000例ALB液基薄层细胞学检查结果总结分析如下。
1 资料与方法
1.1 研究对象 2005年7月1日~2006年10月31日期间在本院妇产科门诊和病区行宫颈ALB液基薄层细胞学检查者,共计5000人次。
1.2 研究方法 宫颈液基细胞标本采集:用颈管刷(扫帚式)收集宫颈内口脱落细胞,迅速置入ALB保存液中。按ALB说明书处理标本,经振荡、比重离心、抹片、巴氏染色。由住院医师阅片,TBS分级,凡阳性片均由科内主任医师复检后签发报告。
1.3 制片质量评价 采用随机法抽取100份抹片,双盲法读片,根据细胞数量/细胞保存好/细胞分散薄层/无血球黏液分+/++/+++,优片率按++以上者为优统计。凡评价有分歧的抹片重新读片达到意见一致为止。
1.4 组织学对照 从本科组织学检查电脑档案中输入同一时期相同病人进行组织学检查的记录,细胞学阳性病例进行组织学检查的共101例,细胞学检查阴性病例进行组织学检查的共150例。重新复查组织切片。
1.5 统计学分析 四格表排列计算出敏感度、特异度、准确度。
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