推荐等级:A.Dim weeklyOrderQuantity As Long = 0 While ordersDataReader.Read()Call myFunction(ordersDataReader("OrderQuantity")) End While
B.Dim weeklyOrderQuantity As Long = 0 While ordersDataReader.NextResuit()Call myFunction(ordersDataReader("OrderQuantity")) End While
C.Dim weeklyOrderQuantity As Long = 0 Dim orderCount As Integer = 0While orderCount < ordersDataReader.FieldCount Call myFunction(ordersDataReader("OrderQuantity")) orderCount += 1 ordersDataReader.Read()End While
D.Dim weeklyOraerQuantity As Long = 0 Dim orderCount As Integer = 0While orderCount < ordersDataReader.FieldCount Call myFunction(ordersDataReader("OrderQuantity")> orderCount += 1 ordersDataReader.NextResult()End While
开始考试练习点击查看答案A.You define a variable named fileName that contains the name and path of the output file.You need to create an XML file from the data in myDataSet by adding code to GeneratePurchaseRequest. You want to accomplish this task by writing the minimum amount of code.Which code segment should you use?A.myDataSet.WriteXML(fileName, XmlWriteMode•IgnoreSchema)
B.myDataSet.WriteXML(fileName, XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema)
D.Dim myWriter As TextWriter = New StreamWriter(fileName) myDataSet.WriteXMLSchema(myWriter)
开始考试练习点击查看答案A.Create a foreign key constraint named constraintOrders that has Orders.CustomersID as the parent column and Customers. CustomerlD as the child column
B.Create a foreign key constraint named ConstraintCustomers that has Customers.CustomerlD as the parent column and Orders.CustomerlD as the child column
C.Create a unique constraint named uniqueCustomers by using theCustomers.CustomerlD
D.Add ConstraintOrders tothe Orders Data Table
E.Add ConstraintOrders tothe Customer Data Table
G.Add ConstraintCustomers to the Customers Data Table
H.Add UniqueCustomers to the Customers Data Table
开始考试练习点击查看答案A.Use an AsyncDelegate instance to call the Load method
B.Modify the ProductLoader class to be derived from IAsyncResult
C.Configure the ProductLoader class to be a client-activated .NET Remoting object
D.Configure the client application to have its own remoting channel that matches the server's channel and formatter
开始考试练习点击查看答案A.Customers, OrderDetails, Orders
B.OrderDetails, Orders, Customers C . Customers, Orders, OrderDetails D. Orders, OrderDetails, Customers
开始考试练习点击查看答案A.CRCommand.CommandText = "SELECT FamilyName, "PersonalName FROM Customers"
B.CRCommand.CommandType = "SELECT FamilyName,"Personal Name FROM Customers")C . CRCommand.Parameters.Add("SELECT FamilyName, "Personal Name FROM Customers")D. CRCommand.ExecuteNonOuery()
B.AfterSerializeC . BeforeDeserializeD. AfterDeserialize
开始考试练习点击查看答案A.You are creating a function that accepts a parameter of EmployeelD and searches Employees to return the DataRow object for the spec] fied EmployeelD.You want to use the Find method of the rows collection in Employees Co return the requested DataRow object from the function. You needto ensure that you can use the Find method to accomplish this goal. What should you do?A.Ensure that EmployeelD is the first column in Employees
B.Ensure that EmployeelD is unique for each row in Employees
C.Ensure that Employees has a primary key on EmployeelD
D.Ensure that Employees is sorted in ascending order on EmployeelD
开始考试练习点击查看答案A.CreditService.ChargeCard(ccNumb, billAddress, amount)Server.Transfer ("process.aspx")
B.CreditService.ChargeCard(ccNumb,_ billAddress, amount)Response.Redirect("process.aspx")
C.CreditService.BeginChargeCard(ccNumb, billAddress, amount, New AsyncCallback(AddressOf_CCResponse), Nothing)Server.Transfer("process.aspx")Private Sub CCResponse(aRes As IAsyncResult) CreditService.EndChargeCard(aRes)End Sub
D.Dim AsyncResult As IAsyncResultAsyncResult = CreditServic
E.BeginChargeCard(ccNumb,_ billAddress, amount, Nothing, Nothing)AsyncResult.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne()CreditService.EndChargeCard(AsyncResult)Server.Transfer ("process.aspx")
开始考试练习点击查看答案A.Dim customersDataView As _New DataView(customersDataSet.Tables("Customers")) customersDataView.FindRows("Region = France")
B.Dim customersDataView As _New DataView(customersDataSet.Tables("Customers")) customersDataView.FindRows("Region = ’France1”)
C.Dim customersDataView As _New DataView(customersDataSet.Tables("Customers")) customersDataView.RowFilter = ("Region = Franc")
D.Dim customersDataView As _New DataView(customersDataSet.Tables("Customers")) customersDataView .RowFilter = ("Region = 'France1,')
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