
what facts that are influence on media policy and how to shape media in the national and internation

来源: 2018-06-22 14:06

  Business dictionary (n.d.) provides information,which "media" can be defined in communication channels through education,entertainment,promotional message or data are disseminated."Media" also including narrowcasting medium and broadcasting,like,television,radio,newspaper,magazines also Internet.In addition,"media" is a popular way for people to get everyday news.For instance "media" can be a role to produce political ideas,like social action group can shape the public policy priorities and agenda through media."Media" also can be a way to supervise,such as social institution or public officials need to provide report or interview with media.According these two examples,"media" can be a direct political actor. 
  "Media" has own policy.The idea is "media" has strong persuasiveness and power in today's society.Also media not only generates values for commercial,it get power to influence in the social significance,culture and economic,like broadcasting media influence in the people's attitudes and beliefs to society.(McChesney,1998) 
  On the other hand,in the different countries,the media policy is different.Therefore,in the different countries have unique media environment.Ostgaard (1965) emphasized that,when media produce a news need to consider newsworthy and what information can attract audiences' attention.Also media has been managed by government.So when media provides news would control by local government,it's because every government has own policy in the censorship.This essay would discuss the media censorship environment between China and Cuba. 
  China is a largest country in the Asia.In China,government implements authoritarian policies in media for a long time.This behavior is going to prevent any challenges to the Chinese political authority,such as,in China,Chinese government use monitoring system to control media.If any types of media provide news which influence government public image in people's mind,and transfer some news which sensitive to Chinese political issue,then government will block it.For example,in China,people cannot get into some western websites,like "YouTube","Facebook" and "Twitter".The same reason for Chinese government blocked is,these website provide many news which are sensitive to the Chinese political issue.(Bennett,2011) 
  The aspect in official media policy in China,with Chinese society become global,the government trying to get more information to balance the maintaining power and controlling news content.(Bennett,2011).According to Elizabeth (2011) emphasized that,Chinese government would like to block the news which are sensitive to the political issue is,the government worried about if "media" goes to freedom,it could be a way to make the regime's downfall.



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