

2020-07-17 20:02
2013 年 5 月翻译资格考试二级英语笔译实务真题及答案 【英译汉】 【试题 1】 Freed by warming, waters once locked beneath ice are gnawing at coastal settlements around the Arctic Circle. In Bykovsky, a village of 457 on Russia's northeast coast, the shoreline is collapsing, creeping closer and closer to houses and tanks of heating oil, at a rate of 15 to 18 feet a year. "It is practically all ice - permafrost - and it is thawing." For the four million people who live north of the Arctic Circle,a changing climate presents new opportunities. But it also threatens their environment, their homes and, for those whose traditions rely on the ice-bound wilderness, the preservation of their culture. A push to develop the North, quickened by the melting of the Arctic seas, carries its own rewards and dangers for people in the region. The discovery of vast petroleum fields in the Barents and Kara Seas has raised fears of catastrophic accidents as ships loaded with oil and, soon, liquefied gas churn through the fisheries off Scandinavia, headed to markets in Europe and North America. Land that was untouched could be tainted by pollution as generators, smokestacks and large vehicles sprout to support the growing energy industry. Coastal erosion is a problem in Alaska as well, forcing the United States to prepare to relocate several Inuit villages at a projected cost of $100 million or more for each one. Across the Arctic, indigenous tribes with traditions shaped by centuries of living in extremes of cold and ice are noticing changes in weather and wildlife. They are trying to adapt, but it can be confounding. In Finnmark, Norway's northernmost province, the Arctic landscape unfolds in late winter as an endless snowy plateau, silent but for the cries of the reindeer and the occasional whine of a snowmobile herding them. A changing Arctic is felt there, too. "The reindeer are becoming unhappy," said Issat Eira, a 31year-old reindeer herder. Few countries rival Norway when it comes to protecting the environment and preserving indigenous customs. The state has lavished its oil wealth on the region, and Sami culture has enjoyed something of a renaissance. And yet no amount of government support can convince Mr. Eira that his livelihood, intractably entwined with the reindeer, is not about to change. Like a Texas cattleman, he keeps the size of his herd secret. But he said warmer temperatures in fall and spring were melting the top layers of snow, which then refreeze as ice, making it harder for his reindeer to dig through to the lichen they eat. "The people who are making the decisions, they are living in the south and they are living in towns," said Mr. Eira, sitting inside his home made of reindeer hides. "They don't mark the change of weather. It is only people who live in nature and get resources from nature who mark it." A push to develop the North, quickened by the melting of the Arctic seas, carries its own rewards and dangers for people in the region. The discovery of vast petroleum fields in the Barents and Kara Seas has raised fears of catastrophic accidents as ships loaded with oil and, soon, liquefied gas churn through the fisheries off Scandinavia, headed to markets in Europe and North America. Land that was untouched could be tainted by pollution as generators, smokestacks and large vehicles sprout to support the growing energy industry. 【试题 1 参考译文】 随着天气变暖,北极圈的冰层开始融化,海水涌上来开始侵蚀沿岸村落。 拜考夫斯凯村位于俄罗斯东北部沿海地区,居住着 457 个村民,这里的海岸线已经遭到破 坏,海水正以每年 15-18 英尺的速度向内陆的房屋和采暖用油桶逼近。 “这里本来全都是冰,我们称之为永久冻土,但是现在已经开始融化了。”对于居住在北极 圈里的四百万人来说,气候变化给他们带来了新的机遇。但是,这也威胁着他们赖以生存 的环境和家园,而对于那些祖祖辈辈生活在冰雪荒原的人们来说,这还关乎他们能否保住 自己的文化。 对北部地区的进一步开发随着北冰洋的融化加快了脚步,给当地人民带来了利益,也带来 了危险。在巴伦支海和卡拉海发现了广阔的油田,但人们担心先装满石油然后很快就是液 化天燃气的轮船发生灾难事故,这些船将卷起海浪,穿过斯堪地那维亚半岛近海的捕鱼区 一直开往欧洲和北美州市场。当越来越多的发电机、大烟囱和各种重型车辆进入这个地区 帮助发展能源工业时,也会使这片处女地受到污染。 阿拉斯加州也存在着海岸侵蚀的问题,这迫使美国政府打算迁移数个因纽特人的村庄,每 个村庄的预计搬迁费用高达一亿多美元。 在北极区,在极端冰冷环境里生存了几百年的本地部落注意到了气候和野生动物的变化, 他们想去适应这种变化,但常常不知所措。 在挪威最北面的芬马克省,每到冬末,北极的大片土地一望无际,好像冰雪高原,万籁俱 寂,偶尔只会听见几声驯鹿的鸣叫和摩托雪橇放牧驯鹿的轰鸣。 但是即使在那里,人们也感受到了北极的变化。“驯鹿越来越不开心。” 31 岁的养鹿人埃拉 说道。 其实谈及保护环境和本土习俗,没有什么国家可以与挪威相提并论。政府把开发石油获得 的财富都用在了北极地区,萨米人的文化也因此得到了某种意义上的复兴。 但是无论有多少来自于政府的支持都无法让埃拉相信,他以鹿为生的日子将会和以往一样 象德克萨斯州的养牛人,他对自己放养的驯鹿数量守口如瓶,但是他说,春秋两季气温上 升,导致表层雪融化,天冷后结成冰,驯鹿就更难于刨食到地表的植物。 “那些制定政策的人都住在南方的城市里,”埃拉坐在用鹿皮搭建的家里说,“那些决策者注 意不到天气的变化。只有真正住在大自然里、从大自然获得生活资源的人才能注意到这一 切。” 【试题 2】 Some people call him “Guidone”—big Guido. Large in both physical stature and reputation, Guido Rossi, who took over as Telecom Italia's chairman on September 15th following the surprise resignation of Marco Tronchetti Provera, has stood out from the Italian business crowd for more than three decades. Mr. Rossi, who attended Harvard law school in the 1950s and wrote a book on American bankruptcy law, made his name as a corporate lawyer keen on market rules and their enforcement. He has since worked in both private and public sectors, including stints in the Italian Senate and as one of the European Commission's group of company-law experts. As well as running a busy legal practice, he also has a reputation as a corporate troubleshooter and allround Mr Fix-It, and is often called upon to clean up organisations in crisis. His role at Telecom Italia marks a return to the company he headed for ten months in 1997, during its politically tricky and legally complex privatisation. Before that, Mr Rossi had been sent in to sort out Ferruzzi-Montedison, an agri-business and chemicals group, which had collapsed after magistrates uncovered tangentopoli (“bribesville”). Last year his legal scheming was crucial in ABN Amro's victorious bid for Banca Antonveneta. Most recently, he acted as special commissioner at Italy's football association, where he was drafted in to sort out the mess after a massive match-rigging scandal exploded earlier this year. Alas, his efforts to bleach football's dark stains produced the same meagre[4] results as his other efforts to get Italian business and finance to change its ways. “Like Italians when tangentopoli burst, fans wanted justice when the scandal broke; but enthusiasm for legality quickly waned,” sighs Francesco Saverio Borrelli, Milan's former chief prosecutor, who headed the city's assault on corruption during the 1990s and was appointed by Mr Rossi to dig out football's dirt.The political muscle of the clubs prevented tough measures being taken against them, reflecting Italy's two-tier justice system in which the rich and powerful can do what they like. “Economic interests in football far outweigh sporting interests,” remarks Mr Borrelli. The rottenness in football shocked even the unshakeable Mr Rossi. “Football did not want rules, it just wanted me to solve its problems,” he says. Despairing of being able to change much, he resigned in September and turned his attention to Telecom Italia. 【试题 2 参考译文】 有的人叫他“吉多尼”——也就是“大”吉多。吉多•罗西身材高大,名气也很大。罗西身材高大,名气也很大。 9 月 15 日, 在马可•罗西身材高大,名气也很大。特龙切蒂 •罗西身材高大,名气也很大。普罗费拉突然辞职之后,三十多年来在意大利商圈一直声名显赫的罗西 接任意大利电信公司总裁一职。上世纪五十年代,罗西在哈佛法学院学习,曾写过一部关 于美国破产法的著作,后来成为一名公司代理律师,因热衷于市场规则及其执行相关的案 例而名噪一时。他在私有和国有单位都谋过事,其中包括在意大利参议院干过一段时间, 当过欧盟委员会公司法律处专家。除了忙于法律业务外,他还是赫赫有名的排解公司纠纷 高手,人称全能的“处理先生”,经常有危机缠身的公司请他帮助排忧解难。 他在意大利电信公司所扮演的角色标志着他的回归,因为 1997 年他在该公司主持过十个月 的工作,其时公司正处于勾心斗角的政治斗争和涉及复杂法律问题的私有化过程中。之前 罗西曾受命调查了 Ferruzzi-Montedison 的问题。Ferruzzi-Montedison 是一家农业与化工集团, 在被地方法官查出存在贿赂问题后倒闭。去年,他作为荷兰银行 Amro 公司成功收购 Banca Antonveneta 一案的法律顾问也起到了关键作用。最近他还担任了意大利足协的调查专员, 负责调查今年早些时候爆出的涉及面很广的假球丑闻。 遗憾的是,与试图帮助意大利商界和金融界“改过自新”一样,他为“净足运动”所做的努力也 收效甚微。米兰前任首席检察官萨维利奥•罗西身材高大,名气也很大。博雷利无奈地说:“当丑闻爆发时,球迷们像当 年发生贿赂案时一样希望司法介入,可这样的热情很快就消退了。”博雷利是上世纪 90 年 代米兰打击腐败的负责人,曾受命于罗西负责调查足球丑闻。 (涉案)俱乐部内在的政治势 力使得(调查组)无法对其采取严厉措施,这也反映出身处意大利双重司法体系之下的有钱 有势者可以为所欲为。博雷利说:“足球的经济利益淹没了人们对这项运动的热情。”足球 腐败甚至让不可动摇的罗西也感到震惊。“足球不需要规则,它只需要我帮助解决问题。” 他说。由于无力回天,他感到很是绝望,于是在 9 月份提出辞职,从此把注意力转向了意 大利电信。 【汉译英】 【试题一】 亚洲是我们共同的家园,亚洲的和平、稳定、发展关系到亚洲各国人民的共同命运。我们 高兴地看到,在当前总体和平稳定的国际环境下,亚洲也迎来了有史以来较为稳定的和平 发展时期。这就是一个最重要的新机会。 在亚洲各国政府和人民的共同努力下,亚洲的发展正呈现出前所未有的良好态势,突出表 现在:亚洲巨大的市场潜能逐步得到开发,亚洲各国和地区经济结构调整的成效显著,产 业优化升级继续加快,经济持续快速发展,亚洲已成为全球经济最具活力的地区之一。“我 们说,要把握亚洲寻求共赢的新机会,这又是一个新机会。” 亚洲和平、稳定、发展的整体氛围,促进了亚洲区域合作进程的快速发展,一个平等、多 元、开放、互利的地区合作新局面正在逐步形成。特别是以东亚、东盟、中亚、南盟、亚 洲合作对话以及多双边自由贸易安排为标志,各种形式的区域、次区域经济合作蓬勃发展 这同样也是一个新机会。 这些积极而重大的变化,既为推动亚洲区域合作提供了有利条件,也为亚洲各国和地区的 发展带来了历史性机遇。“只要我们继续相互尊重、平等对待,把握发展的机会,把握住自 己的命运,就一定能够促进亚洲的发展与振兴,达致互利共赢的目标。” 【试题一参考译文】 Asia is the home of all of us. Peace, stability and development in Asia are crucial to the well-being of the people in our region. We are heartened to see that just as the world today enjoys overall peace and stability, so Asia is in a relatively stable and peaceful period for development rarely seen in its history. We often say that Asia should seize an opportunity for win-win progress. Now we are faced with this important opportunity. Thanks to the joint effort of the governments and peoples of Asian countries, Asia has registered an unprecedented sound momentum of development, marked by the unleashing of huge market potential, effective economic restructuring in various countries and areas, accelerating industrial upgrading and fast and sustained economic growth. This has made Asia one of the most dynamic regions in the world. This is another opportunity that Asia should seize to make win-win progress. The overall peace, stability and development in Asia have led to fast progress in the regional cooperation process. A new type of regional cooperation based on equality, diversity, openness and mutual benefit is taking shape. Various regional and sub-regional economic cooperation mechanisms have grown in strength, which include the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, Asia Cooperation Dialogue, those in East Asia and Central Asia, and multilateral and bilateral free trade arrangements. This is another opportunity that Asia should seize. These positive and major developments have brought about both favorable conditions for regional cooperation and historical opportunities for the development of Asia. We should respect and treat each other as equals, seize the opportunities of development and hold our destiny in our own hands. As we do this, we will certainly achieve mutual benefit and win-win progress and promote development and rejuvenation of Asia. 【试题二】 国际经验与中国特色 中国作为后发现代化国家,极其需要借鉴国际经验。同时,在和平崛起进程中,中国又要 以自己为主,来关注和解决自己的问题。这就是说,中国的现代化一定要有中国特色。 比如,在农业问题上,中国将努力走出一条新的节约型道路,即有中国特色的节约方式。 现在美国人均年消费石油 25 桶,而中国人均消费不到 1 桶半。如果中国人不顾自己的条件, 异想天开想做起“美国梦”,那我们对能源急切需求就会给自己,同事也会给人类带来沉重 的负担和无尽的麻烦。 又比如,在农村富余劳动力的转移上,我们将逐步走出一条中国特色的城市化道路。目前 中国农村劳动力有 5 亿多人,今后 20 年大约有两亿多人要转移出来,在这个问题上,中国 人不能做“欧洲梦”。欧洲在近代历史上,总共有 6000 多万人走到世界各地,到处建立殖民 地,改变了世界版图。21 世纪上半叶的中国人,只能在自己的国土上,通过城市和农村的 精心协调发展,通过引导农村富余劳动力在不丧失土地的条件下,在城乡之间有序流动, 来解决这个世界级的大难题。 【试题二参考答案】 International Experience and Chinese Characteristics As a new comer striving for modernization, China is badly in need of drawing experience from international practice. At the same time, China must rely on itself to address and resolve problems arising in the process of her peaceful rise. In other words, China’s modernization must beat its own unique characteristics. For instance, with regard to energy issues, China is working hard to blaze a trail in energy conservation so as to shape up a China-style energy-saving approach. Currently, the American per capita annual consumption of oil is 25 barrels, while that for China is no more than a barrel and a half. Should the Chinese ignore their national conditions and indulge themselves in the wildest“American Dream”, the nation’s desperate energy demands will undoubtedly bring heavy burden and endless trouble both to the Chinese people and the humankind as a whole. Similarly, over the matter of migration of superfluous rural labor force to the city, China is sure to gradually find out the way towards urbanization stamped with Chinese characteristics. At present, China has a labor force of more than 500 million in the countryside, about 200 million of whom are expected to be migrated to the urban areas in the dream the“European dream”. In modern history, Europe has seen altogether over 60 million people depart for every corner of the world to establish colonies overseas, thereby changing the map of the world. For the Chinese people in the first half of the 21st century, however, they can only tackle this formidable universal problem within its own land, first by carefully coordinating urban and rural development and secondly, by providing guided and orderly flow of redundant rural labor force between the countryside and the city without loss of their lands.
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